Admission into HC is the result of a selection process to ensure that the students who enroll are truly the best qualified and most highly motivated of the candidates who apply. Upon entry into HC, students can be sure that their class will be made up of individuals who are not just academically strong, but also possess qualities they will appreciate when they need to work together and rely on one another in a variety of situations.
​Candidates for admission to HC must submit the following documents:

Completed applications are evaluated by the HC Admissions Office on a rolling basis. Candidates shall be informed, either by telephone or through the guidance counselor, of interview or any examination schedules after submission of completed applications.
The interview may come before or after the examination schedule. During this step, the Admissions Committee, composed of members of the HC administration, faculty, and admissions staff, evaluates potential students based on their level of interest in the global business and hospitality industry, as well as their maturity level, academic potential, interpersonal skills, and leadership potential.

Admissions decisions are based on the results of the evaluation. The Admissions Committee shall make a final decision whether to admit, reject, or wait-list the candidate.


To be eligible for admission, applicants must meet the following requirements:
Duly accomplished Application Form
2 pcs. (2x2) Colored ID Picture
2 pcs. (1x1) Colored ID Picture
2 pcs. (Passport size) Colored ID Pictures
Photocopy of Diploma/ TOR
Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate & Marriage Contract (if married)
Long Brown Envelope